My love | Teen Ink

My love

May 16, 2014
By Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete: drawn only to be washed away. For the time i have been given, I am what I am." -Five Finger Death Punch

Can you hear me cry or do you even care? Can you hear me cry or do you even care? I have loved you yet this is what you wanted of me, to get down in my knees and to beg for you. But I won’t have it I’m sick of this mess. I’m sorry it’s over but I can’t take this please. Don’t do this to yourself just don’t do this to me. I know that this may hurt but I can help you I swear. Don’t do this to yourself just don’t do this to me. I’ve been hurt so much.51 I can hear you scream. This is all the pain you have given me. And right now it hurts even you I see. I have loved you then but that was only then. This is what we’ve made of ourselves two different people with different points of view. Yet this is how you wanted it to be. You wanted me out and now that I am gone… You have hurt yourself oh you have hurt yourself. I thought that this would work but I was terribly wrong. Now I hurt myself oh now I hurt myself. I can’t believe this has happened. We did this to ourselves. I’ve been hurt so much. I can hear you scream. This is all the pain you have given me. And right now it hurts even you I see. I have loved you then but that was only then. And now I know that this has hurt us every time. And I know that these feelings I have for you are never going away. But this is all we have it is all we need. This is everything like you are to me. I love you so much. It is killing me. why can’t you see it’s just killing me? I’ve been hurt so much. I can hear you scream, but this is what you wanted of me. This is all the pain you have given me. I just love you why can’t you see? My Love.

The author's comments:
I was on youtube when I randomly looked up the song "Numb" by Linkin Park. I found someone playing it on the piano and a song popped into my head.

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