This is Real, This is Life | Teen Ink

This is Real, This is Life

April 26, 2014
By johannacat BRONZE, Escondido, California
johannacat BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."

My lungs hurt,
It's fire burning inside.

The smoke runs through my chest,
I puff out the air,
into the summer breeze.

Rescue me,
rescue them,
it's not a job,
it's something you should do.

From the seven wonders,
of your so called life.

Let me rest on some old rusty rock,
It's better than your bed.

Let the tears fall down,
let them run wild,
around town.

I hear your calls,
escalate from the wind.

I don't really wanna talk anymore,
it's too hard to even smile.

My lips burn from even trying,
my cheeks sag,
from the frowns I make.

I am nothing, but a waste.

No one ever laid a hand,
on this forgotten land.

Why are we even trying?
To live a life that's worth nothing,nothing but a dime,
or anything at all.

I rather die and be forgotten,
I never existed anyways.

Don't tell me it's nothing, but a cry for help, because I'm not begging anymore.

This is real,
this is life.

People feel,
and people lie.

You can kill,
or you can die.

This is real,
this is life.

Nothing, but a waste of time.

The author's comments:
Nothing exactly inspired me to write this, it just popped into my head one day and now I am here writing it. I guess I hope people will realize that life is hard and brutal, but there's always a way to get through it. Also, that dying isn't a solution. Dying is something that should happen to you naturally, not because you're willing to do it to yourself. There's always someone out there, even if that person is hundreds of miles away, that will listen to your problems and help you cope with them in a heartbeat. So don't ever forget that.

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