No Justice | Teen Ink

No Justice

November 7, 2013
By salma barron BRONZE, Saramento, California
salma barron BRONZE, Saramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I experience prison life, beatings, struggles,
having no power at all & no control over my life
I see Africans being murdered, I see racist white men,
I see the struggles that Africans face every day.
I hear a guard yelling at me, making fun of me & saying racist things to me & my cell mates.
I can hear prison cells closing, people getting killed and guns going off.
I feel angry at the people that did this to me and sad because I did nothing wrong.
All I wanted to do was help the people of South Africa.
I never broke the law. This was not justice.
I remember my family, I remember my friends, I remember nice meals and soft beds.
I remember being free. I remember being in hiding.
I want to get out and be free. I want to keep helping,
I want to make a difference.
I want to keep fighting apartheid.
I want to keep fighting for the people. My people!
The south African people.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in Nelson Mandela's point of view . He was done wrong for trying to help his people out.

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