Hey Roses Make You Happy, Here Take a Dozen. | Teen Ink

Hey Roses Make You Happy, Here Take a Dozen.

June 16, 2013
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

10 months ago today I just quit feeling Love.
It wasn't giving up.. I would just call it change.
I just decided Love is overestimated, or doesn't last
And doesn't even matter right now anyway.
And Love is deceiving, it makes you believe it 'll stick around
Even if it ends up leaving you with a bottle and an empty town
Love is a gamble, a Risk, and I'm willing to take it when it comes to find me,
But I'm not gonna look, let it look for me this time around, please.
Love happens, Love doesn't, you can never tell.
Love isn't even really Love unless it 2050 and you don't need whiskey, if you will,
To make you happy.
Then yeah, maybe.
But if we measure Love by how long it lasts, then what is Love if it doesn't?
Half Love? Is it Like? Is it "Hey Roses make you happy, here take a dozen."?

I don't get it. The lines are blurry there, fill me in. Are you in Love?
Or is it happiness on hold til she leaves and hits the road, she's 'had enough'
Enough of what? Ons and offs of smiles and scars
And names on letters and on the insides of birthday cards
Of people who said they cared for her
Til they stole her 'love' to make their own not hurt

Still blurry. I only made myself more confused with that I guess
But there's proof isn't there? That Love can bring us all happiness
Because look at Romeo and Juliet.
Oh wait, .. they went down in history for being dead.
Like the Roses you left on my front porch stairs.
And the name on the note that I found? but you swear
It wasn't for you. It wasn't from her. It wasn't a note. ...?
Nice try my dear. Think I got it from here thank you, quote, unquote.

But that was "years ago"
So time changes Hate for the better, and Love for the best.?
It's true, I guess. But Time makes us forget
And makes us think of the good times, back on the good times, when Love was still ours.
Even though Love was a lie, and the lies were the things we believed at night in the bars
When alcohol masked our defects and brought out the beautiful things in our hearts
And we talked for hours and told the others we would never again be apart.. [please.]

Yeah sure, I believe in Love,!! a lot of us do I think, ..but where did it go?
'Oh it went away months ago.' yeah I heard that same exact thing about the snow...

It all comes down to this.
It's not about the seasons, it's about the happiness.
Does rain just make you cry, or make you kinda want to dance?
Just feel how it wraps around your body like the deepest of romance
And tell me, does the snowfall really bring you pain?
Or does it fall so lightly and shimmer so brightly that the cold fades away in the flame
That bring in summer, maybe it's scorching unless you seek the shade
Like the quiet corner in the busy streets on the middle of a Saturday
Perception. Don't tell me its over if it might have just begun
Cuz the cold or the rain or the burn might be there, ..But every season still sees the Sun.

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