Morning in Narnia | Teen Ink

Morning in Narnia

March 24, 2013
By MariaTunuviel BRONZE, Toronto, Other
MariaTunuviel BRONZE, Toronto, Other
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" The meaning of life is to find life a meaning"

When the stars go out, one by one,
till none are left in the Eastern Sky.
The moon says bye and heaves a sight
and in the East where white waves fall, a lonely gull will give a cry.
As the horizon lightens more,
our glance shall fall upon the shore.
A wind will soar above it all, grey clouds scattering at last-
now we can see the mountains vast.
On far- away waves we now can see,
a bright red glow,
which rises slow.
The clouds turn orange, pink, and red,
the sun will rise from its soft bed.

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