Goodbye To You | Teen Ink

Goodbye To You

October 7, 2012
By Anonymous

You said I was sweet,
But now you call me sour.

I called us a movie,
But I knew it wouldn't have a happily ever after.

I've always called my life a novel,
But you ripped out half the pages,

I said you were compassion,
But now I know you're callousness,

Why would I say that I love you?
Why would I say that I need you?
Because now, I know,
That you needed me,
To make you not hate yourself,
Your arrogance, your selfishness,

You called me your love,
But now I'm no longer your happiness,
Now I'm just your hatred.

Why would you say that you love me?
Just to then say that you hate me?
Why did you treat me like a demon, when I was the only one willing to be your angel??
Oh just why,
Did I say Hello?
When I knew I'd have to say goodbye?
To you, to you..

The author's comments:
I've felt heartbreaks, and even though it may not have been because of romantic relationships, it sure felt like it.
I published this anonymously because I can't bear the idea of anyone I know reading this.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 29 2012 at 8:44 pm
casperwatson PLATINUM, West Hartford, Connecticut
37 articles 0 photos 55 comments
I am commenting on my own song lyrics. I think they are good for my first time writing a song, but I can do better. I need more raw emotion. 4 stars