Face the Music | Teen Ink

Face the Music

June 8, 2012
By kkendrick28 BRONZE, Pikeville, Kentucky
kkendrick28 BRONZE, Pikeville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No more sitting down and expect something that will never come. I will move the stars on my own."

I walked away from you
With not one regret
As you pushed me down,
I stood up stronger than before.
You say I'm to blame.
Sorry, but you're wrong.
There's no way that I'd forgive you for all that you've done.

No, no more!
No more lying.
I've had enough of all your games!
It's about time that you stand up
And face the music.
There's no way to change the past.
It's your fault this didn't last.
So it's time for me to go
And make my way without you!

It started like a tale
That my father used to read.
Prince Charming came along to rescue me from the night.
Then the hurt and blame
And the bruises took his place.
You think you can treat me like a rag doll.
How pathetic.

No, no more!
No more lying.
I've had enough of all your games!
It's about time that you stand up
And face the music.
There's no way to change the past.
It's your fault that this didn't last.
So it's time for me to go
And make my way without you!

I still remember though,
How you cared for me.
Before the monster replaced you
And left me all alone.
Remembering your beautiful smile
Gave me the strength
To stand up to this villain
That has stolen your face!

What happened to you, my dear?
That caused you to change?
I was devoted to only you
But I guess that wasn't enough.

"Say you love me,"
You say, "Say you love me."
"Say you love me."
Well, I don't love who you've become!

No, no more!
No more lying.
I've had enough of all your games!
It's about time that you stand up
And face the music.
There's no way to change the past.
It's your fault that this didn't last.
So it's time for me to go
And make my way without you!

The author's comments:
This is based on a former relationship. He was really sweet until three months into our relationship when I found out that he was a drug user. I attempted to get him on the right track, but I eventually had enough and tried to leave him. He attempted to do horrible things to me, but I escaped from him unharmed. This is a song I wrote for him.

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