War, just a strategy game | Teen Ink

War, just a strategy game

May 17, 2012
By JaguarPawCommando1701 BRONZE, Plattsburgh, New York
JaguarPawCommando1701 BRONZE, Plattsburgh, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yes chess
Just a strategy game
Where one man battles another, not with his fists, but whit his mighty mortal wits.
The only way to tell one team from the next is the painted suit each one wears.
The game begins and the pawns soon fall, being blown away nearly with the wind.
A rook attempts to make a blow to the tallest of the enemy foe,
But valiantly one knight steps in. He quickly meets his fellow pawns but still there is no applause to him.
One king remains on the opposite side but nowhere to turn, but he remains on the checkerboard.
The player neglects to see, his sixteen pieces are now only three.
He says “I’ve won that’s all that counts” because its
Yes chess
Just a strategy game

The author's comments:
about how someone in high command may horridly see war as

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