Echo My Friend | Teen Ink

Echo My Friend

April 15, 2012
By Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
35 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love <3

Hello, hello. Echo, echo.
You've been busy... holding, waiting.
Do you want to go out and play, round museum or a cave?
Bye Bye, echo. Meet me tomorrow.
Hope you get plenty of sleep, so deep.

Do you hear my echo, my echo is so loud. Happily, sweet dear echo. Doesn't she make you proud?
Hello, Hello. Echo, echo.
We'll go orbit, maybe globus. Only we will ever know this.
We'll store deep into a lake. We'll munch candy, till we ache. Bye Bye, echo.

Can you feel my echo, God, it's so loud. Doesn't it all feel amazing, aren't you very proud?

Hello, echo, you seem tired. I'll light up a nice warm fire. Please echo, wait for me. Hold onto your dreams of me.

As you fade away, dearly, sweetly.
Don't you ever stop day dreaming.

The author's comments:
I have a friend, whose name is echo.
She's just like me though.
We do everything together, even in our minds.
I guess I'm so bored I have plenty of time.

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