When You Left Me | Teen Ink

When You Left Me

April 6, 2012
By sam.like.woah. SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
sam.like.woah. SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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I believe that no matter what, people should be who they are. No body has the right to judge someone else for something they cant help. If you feel the need to judge or change someone, start with yourself.

As we walk along the beach, we write our names in the sand. But since you're gone; the footprints we've left behind, have faded away but stay stuck in my mind.

I wish you could stay,
don't go away.
It would be so different,
so hard to move on.

Now it's time for us to find where we belong and what went wrong.

I wish you could stay,
don't go away.
It would be much harder,
on me now.

And now that you're gone, I'm trying to move on. But I'm stuck in the past, hoping we'll make it last. To all that remains, of the brokeness my heart contains.

Don't go away...

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