Pisces | Teen Ink


April 4, 2012
By indiekittie BRONZE, Arcata, California
indiekittie BRONZE, Arcata, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live and let live!

when she bows her head and stares at the ground, tell her that you love her.
When her eyes meet yours and she slightly frowns, tell her there is no one above her.

When she touches your face and her smooth lips part,
kiss her on the forehead.

When her tears fall in the rain outside in the dark,
know that enough has been said.

When she looks at you with her Piscean eyes
and is quiet for a moment
She'll ask you, "why?" and criticize
your careful ways of atonement

Her body is sacred, her heart even more so
her eyes ethereal
Her lusty ways make it hard to know
where to start and where to be extra careful

Hurt her in one place, she'll close up, shut down
memories fly back into her head
her salty tears fall often, quickly
and are a sign some trust has been shed.

Who is this beauty, so mysterious in sight
so gentle with words, radiating her own light
who is this woman who takes every man's heart
unintentionally, must you know
she carries so much love to give but only a lucky few
will ever bask in it's glow.

when you ask if shes okay, she'll always say she's fine
its the fish's way of screaming
im in pain, my head's been pulled rudely out of the clouds!
I wish I was back in them dreaming...

"get me out, I'm hurt, bleeding, dying,
i cant take this anymore.
God, I'm so, SO tired of crying,
the edges of my soul are sore."

a delicate flower must you peel open
for she is hiding underneath
a quiet nymph on the outside,
but a dirty little rascal under the sheets

dont take to heart her watery ways
ignore her ever changing emotions

She is who she is, she'll be who she'll be
no one can change the rest

If you can love her at her worst
then you most certainly deserve

to be with Pisces at her best.

The author's comments:
This is describing the typical pisces girl, also myself, a pisces.

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This article has 1 comment.

Brie555 said...
on Apr. 7 2012 at 9:08 pm
Oh mann. Dude - I LOVED this poem <3 It's filled with lots of emotion and I completely relate. I'm that way too - though I don't get all the guys' hearts ;) Haha, but really, I love it.