Living Is Forgetting | Teen Ink

Living Is Forgetting

March 30, 2012
By NWheat BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
NWheat BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All alone, im lost inside
Numbing pain, i cant decide
Take it away? Or let it stay?
Live in pain, or die today?
What's my choice? Bleed forever?
Or all at once, to make it better?
Lose myself within my mind?
Or break free, and leave it behind?
My body's limited, to only feel pain.
Nowhere to go, nothing to gain.
Dont wait for me, im not coming home.
I'm going far away to be alone.
If they look for me, they'll find a shell.
I'm not on earth, I'm lost in hell.
This is goodbye, ive made my choice.
To leave this place, and follow your voice.
We will, atlast, be together once more.
And our love will be stronger than it was before.
You were taken from me once, ill never forget.
For not following you, ive been in regret.
Its all okay now, im leaving this earth.
Going with you, to our new rebirth.
Never again will i be alone.
Dont worry baby, im coming home.

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