Inside My Heart (Why Oh Why) | Teen Ink

Inside My Heart (Why Oh Why)

February 23, 2012
By Nickelsond SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
Nickelsond SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The hero unseen is the word unwritten"

One day you're there for me.
The next day you walk away.
One day you say you love me.
The next day we have nothing

How am I supposed to know
What you want and how you feel
If you play these games inside my heart,
and you make me fall apart.

One day you're next to me.
The next day we're worlds apart.
One day I'm yours, you're mine
The next were nobodies.

I do not know why
You play these games inside my heart
You play these games
It's not your park
It's just my heart..

So why..
Why, oh why
Do you play...
These... games

How am I supposed to know
What you want and how you feel
If you play these games
Inside my heart,
and you make me fall apart

How am I supposed to know
What you want and how you feel
If you play these games Inside my heart,
and you make me fall apart

One day we're so in love
One day we fall apart

One day you're there for me.
The next day you walk away.
One day you're my world,
The next day I'm nothing

One day we're so in love
One day we fall apart

So why..
Why, oh why
Do you play...
These... games

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