Lets play the truth game | Teen Ink

Lets play the truth game

February 23, 2012
By CPL_AW SILVER, Louisburg, North Carolina
CPL_AW SILVER, Louisburg, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
if blood is spilt and human parasites will follow

Lets play the truth game.
I hate it when people lie to me.
I hate it when you lie to me.

Don’t talk behind my back.
People will believe whatever you say.
I had turned red blue and black.
But it’s all over today.

I used to have to vent.
But that way has been sent.
Many old things are gone.
And with my life I’m on.

Relax it’s just a game.
And you are not for me.
It’s in your name.
Something aren’t meant to be.
Relax it’s just a game.
Is that clear?
Something’s are not the same.
Something new is here.

May these things be true.
But I do not care.
It doesn’t change my views of you.
You can try but don’t you dare.

Now I want to see what I can do.
But not to you.
You are a good friend.
On the phone until 1am.

Relax it’s just a game.
And you are not for me.
It’s in your name.
Something aren’t meant to be.
Relax it’s just a game.
Is that clear?
Something’s are not the same.
Something new is here.

My heart is open.
But don’t try to get in.
Even though I’m not broken.
I have many reasons to try again.

Three years lost.
What was the cost?
Not telling anyone why.
And no more times will I cry.

Relax it’s just a game.
And you are not for me.
It’s in your name.
Something aren’t meant to be.
Relax it’s just a game.
Is that clear?
Something’s are not the same.
Something new is here.

New is the game.
And I have to play in my own name.
New is the game.
I’m not the same.
New is the game.
No longer insane.
New is the game.
No more rain.

Relax it’s just a game.
And you are not for me.
It’s in your name.
Something aren’t meant to be.
Relax it’s just a game.
Is that clear?
Something’s are not the same.
Something new is here.

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