Taking Life a Step by Step | Teen Ink

Taking Life a Step by Step

January 5, 2012
By ttoonniiaann BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
ttoonniiaann BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapters are a thing in life.
You turn a page, and turn another.
New Ideas are added, but never deleted.
Everyone grows up at some point.
Sadly, some faster than others.
Time may let some of us down,
but I can promise that we won’t ever fade away.
Without taking risks our books will be dull at every moment.
Everyone needs to take a chances.
Whatever happens , happens.
Why? because forever is just a word for fools.
Life gets tough at times.
People may leave you, and some may not.
All in all, we know that a best friend would never leave you.
If a best friend leaves us, we’d know that we would be
so lost with out them.
In life, you need to take steps.
We need to learn not to grow up so fast.
Taking baby steps will get you further in life than rushing it.
As everyone knows, life changes.
But sometimes, it changes for the better.

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