Go Away Misery | Teen Ink

Go Away Misery

October 6, 2011
By Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
24 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm strong, but I break. I'm stubborn, and I make plenty of mistakes." - Kelly Clarkson
"I care too much, and you care enough to leave." - Kelly Clarkson

It's one in the morning, and you've got my world spinning.
Not one bit of alcohol has entered my body.
For once, I'm completely sober.
It seems like you intoxicate me enough.
You're just as bad for my health.
If you stay for the company,
I may have to drink to deal with you both.
Yes, both sides of you.

Why must you stay, misery?
Have you got nothing better to do?
I wonder why you exist.
Giving hope that you've changed,
Only to realize your pain is here to stay.
Just go away; just go away.

Like a mountain, I still stand as tall as always.
I've gone through tests already.
I thought you'd almost broken me.
But I think of where I've been, alone.
If it all was easy then,
Then it sure as hell can be now.
Too dependant to know how to be on my own.
It's pathetic, really.

Why must you stay, misery?
Have you got nothing better to do?
I wonder why you exist.
Giving hope that you've changed,
Only to realize your pain is here to stay.
Just go away; just go away.

Why do you stay? Oh, why do you stay?
I don't want you; I never do.
I'm taking control again, so-

Why must you stay, misery?
Have you got nothing better to do?
I wonder why you exist.
Giving hope that you've changed,
Only to realize your pain is here to stay.
Just go away; just go away.

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