Farewell to a Friend | Teen Ink

Farewell to a Friend

September 28, 2011
By AlexM BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
AlexM BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then- whoosh, and I'm gone...and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me- ever.”-Jim Morrison

Peaking in windows passing by,
Catching glimpses of what’s inside,
Faces saying what they don’t mean.
Make a wall to keep it inside,
Or, maybe, something to hide behind,
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Trying not to lose my head,
Close my eyes and go to bed,
The lines I traced grow colder in the morning.
The sky turns green and the grass turns blue,
And you are me and I am you,
The answer is clear, but there’s no sign or warning.
If I’m slow then move ahead,
Leave me behind, left for dead,
I’m still learning how to fly.
People pass, they come and go,
Speaking of things is do not know,
Killing time is suicide.
Turn off the lights and count to ten,
Turn them back on and try again,
I’m not sure why it works or how.
Stand up tall, make a good impression,
Try to hide all signs of obsession,
All aboard, your train is leaving now.
Say a final farewell.

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