Miss Used | Teen Ink

Miss Used

September 11, 2011
By Anonymous

You were always in my fantasies
Always there permanently
Yet I wasn't good enough
Your glance always passed over me

And you smiled at me
Oh so fake
Why couldn't I tell straight away
You thought of our love as child play


(But you were wrong
Now I'm too strong
Too be broken down again
So say good-bye to the rain

Hello sun, you'll stay out
I was used once, I won't be again
So come and beg, kneel and plead
But don't think that I'll be pleased

So miss used has turned independent
You'll look with fresh eyes at me
Look now at what you could have had
But now I'm so done!)

Give me chocolates, give me roses
Play me songs of sweet noises
But don't think that I will see you again
Because I already had too much pain...


La la la, goodbye
To the old me, miss used
Now I'll show you
What you missed

Don't come again
Get out, stay away
Your virus won't spread onto me
Yet again

So miss used is gone
The new me is here
I'll turn my back
And won't listen with deaf ears

The author's comments:
My inspiration with these lyrics was the broken girl who was used by her crush. But now, she's become strong and the boy will come begging back. Don't count on someone else to fulfill your happiness.

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