Liquid Illusion | Teen Ink

Liquid Illusion

June 11, 2011
By MariFey23 BRONZE, Brownsville, Texas
MariFey23 BRONZE, Brownsville, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the outcome to be different"-Einstein

From the moment you first saw her,
I knew your heart she’d taken.
And warn you as I may,
‘bout how she didn’t feel that way.

Your ears were closed to warnings,
your heart in a danger zone
because I knew she’d be nothing more than,

A liquid illusion.
Your bittersweet fantasy,
your one and only weakness.
Such a love just could not be.
And with every embrace I feel you slip away,
'Cause I know your heart is taken and there’s not much I can do,
when you’re so in love with her.

I see the way your eyes shine,
how they light up when she walks by.
And I’m sad to say I know she doesn’t care.
You’re just not her kind of guy.
She’ll use you just to get by
but you’ll never mean to her what you mean to me.
And I don’t what to do ‘cuz you’re starting to become

My liquid illusion.
My bittersweet fantasy,
my one and only weakness.
Such a love just could not be.
And with every embrace I feel you slip away
'Cause I know your heart is taken and there’s not much I can do,
'Cause I’m so in love with you

As the time goes on,
I see you can’t move on.
You’ve become a mere shadow of the boy you once were.
I miss your quirky smile.
The dances and the laughter.
And I can’t stand to know it’s all because of her

Your liquid illusion.
Your bittersweet fantasy,
your one and only weakness.
Such a love just could not be.
And with ever embrace I feel you slip away,
'Cause I know your heart is taken and there’s not much I can do,
when you’re so in love with her.

The author's comments:
This was written because I'm always looking for songs about loving someone so much that you're willing to give up your happiness to see them happy and yet they are into the wrong person.

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