A New Day | Teen Ink

A New Day

May 2, 2011
By SunnySunSet BRONZE, Commack, New York
SunnySunSet BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a new day, it’s a new light, and the sun is shining bright.
The clouds are gone, the sky is blue, not a raindrop nor even dew
With the gray gone, the color has come back again, filling my world anew
The streets are quiet, not a hush can be heard, but the beautiful sound of a chirping bird
The tears have dried, a smile growing on my face, I no longer feel the race of the chase
The chase to be better, the need to be pretty, the feeling of self-pity
My life had changed, my heart has healed, and my soul is free again
The new day has begun, the new light has been seen, and the sun has shone very bright indeed.

The author's comments:
The sun came out again after being blocked behind clouds for a whole week, and just feeling the sun again on my face made me happy.

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