Happiness Never Known | Teen Ink

Happiness Never Known

March 30, 2011
By KateParker SILVER, Sunny Isles, Florida
KateParker SILVER, Sunny Isles, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

I really hope to touch a life and impact now and then,
But what I really want to feel is happiness again.
The only happiness I've ever known has not been but a show,
And what true happiness is like I really want to know.
And I find deep happiness the only kind that can ever truly be fair.
Otherwise the feelings are fake and aren't truly there.
I want to feel, I want to experience, and also come to know,
The feelings and tenderness of true love that doesn't seem to go.
What have I done wrong?
Why can't I be strong?
What did I ever do to deserve to wait this long?
The feelings that were never real seemed to start with "Once upon a time..."
Though reality has proved to be sour like a lime.
Is it too much to ask for, to finally be home?
Or am I wasting my time, and will I end up alone?
Is a happy ending not in my cards?
Or will I end up falling truly hard?
I carry all the times we shared, as vivid memories,
But that is only due to the fact I've kept many diaries.
I've tried and tried to meet Mr. Right,
Thinking I was good enough,
But then I realized in reality,
I just don't have the stuff.
I hope I can someday find my Prince,
Who will carry me away from here;
He will carry me home, where I belong,
And wipe away my tears.
But until then, I'm left to wonder,
Will it ever happen?
It is just a world with no guarantees,
And a world we must adapt in.

The author's comments:
I am an aspiring writer and I hope you enjoy. :)

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This article has 1 comment.

kaasha said...
on Apr. 26 2011 at 8:32 pm
nice work. he will come around soon.