Tell me | Teen Ink

Tell me

March 3, 2011
By cgeames SILVER, Kalispell, Montana
cgeames SILVER, Kalispell, Montana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't care where it all began.
Life's just a mystery not a plan.
We never know were we'll go.
and the past is all that we know.
The future doesn't matter yet.
things will happen we'll forget.

So stand up
live today like it's your last.
forgetting all the hard times.
leaving heartache in the past.
So let go
Of all that you have known.
and slip away to the atmosphere.
where you will stay.

Tell me what i don't know yet.
All the deep and dark secrets.
tell me about just who you are.
Deep inside your beating heart.

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