Never Gone | Teen Ink

Never Gone

January 26, 2011
By Jni17 BRONZE, Beirut, Other
Jni17 BRONZE, Beirut, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's like one day you were here,
The next you were gone.
If He thinks that's a reason to forget you,
He's wrong.
The truth is you'll be in our hearts till the end,
Till the day we join you up where it's good,
Up where nothing can hurt you,
Up where nothing will separate us again...
Up, up, so why do I feel so down?

It's hard without you around,
Your smile and your laugh,
It hurts that I don't hear them anymore.
You were such a happy person,
You brightened my days without even trying.
Oh, oh, where'd you go?

But now look where you are,
Buried under the dirt,
While I'm standing up here,
Standing over your grave,
It's hard to talk to you,
It's hard to tell you I love you,
But I'm sure you know,
You know I miss you.
And that's only your body down there.
Your soul, your heart and our hearts are with you up there.

It's hard without you around,
Your smile and your laugh,
It hurts that I don't hear them anymore.
You were such a happy person,
You brightened my days without even trying,
Oh oh, why'd you have to go?

The author's comments:
This is dedicated to A.D.
Miss you & love you.

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