poetry | Teen Ink


January 29, 2011
By P.B.M. BRONZE, Winston,ga, Georgia
P.B.M. BRONZE, Winston,ga, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The sky the limit

As, I walk out and view the scenery with every step I make my feet play the sounds of a piano key.With every foot strode my pathway is illuminated, providing a perfect stage for our love painted.The moon provides our night light,causing a glow to light up my love by my side. The beach is our bedroom and the gentle crashing of the waves provide a sweet lullaby. Gently rocking us to sleep praying to the Lord my soul to keep.Your,breathing is like music to my ears.As, flutes,saxophones and organs perform on the night air. The nighttime curtains fall with the stars aligning to your body making it twinkle and glow.Making, your smile reflect off the moons light in the sky causing an amazing introgul. Then Causing an tinge to go along with the chime your heart beats intertwines with mine.Making, an bass boom, boom, boom as we make sweet music in our bedroom.

The author's comments:
one of my best pieces of poetry

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