Waldo | Teen Ink


December 27, 2010
By Eileen242 BRONZE, Randolph, New Hampshire
Eileen242 BRONZE, Randolph, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"To Be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment\" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Alright so its kinda dark in this cave
Im lost and I need to be saved
There’s to many people around me
Tempting me to break free
What am I suppose to say
should I make them get away
All this traps and confusions
Makes me want to trust them

Your turn to play
Your game
Your problems
Your monopoly
What ever I say wont change you
My tears wont effect you
Its your mistakes that make me
runaway from what you made me

Now we end this game with check mate
I thought you said this was fait
Why are you making me so naive
To nasty cold reality
This train is already too late
You had me at the first date
but suddenly this trust thing
wasn’t really your thing


Your turn to play
Where‘s Waldo hiding
On the wall to see
Everything that broke me
Hope you finally are listening
To the words I have been screaming
Hope you finally are listening
Hope you finally are listening

Chorus 2:
I played you game
I solved your problems
your monopoly
Yet my word will not change you
These tears wont change you
Now I'm finally running
Don’t try to chase me
chase me

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