9/11 Happened on This Day. | Teen Ink

9/11 Happened on This Day.

December 12, 2010
By All_Of_The_Above BRONZE, Right Here In, District Of Columbia
All_Of_The_Above BRONZE, Right Here In, District Of Columbia
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always Believe in Yourself!

9/11 happened on this day.
9/11 will always be remember.
So many died, so many cried, and so many souls lost!
But now we have to stick together.To remember what happened on this day. That Sep. day!
It had to be the sadest day of the year.So many innocent people died. When the first crash was heard. Many people couldn't believe it. Until the second crash was heard. Many peole ran for there lives hoping it was not over, them.
Tragity happened on this day. Tragity will last forever. This will alway be in the history books... especially in our minds.
9/11 happened on this day. It will always be remember. Til' the end of time! Thanks be to God for our lives forever! Until the end of time!
Cause 9/11 happened on this day!
9/11 will always be remembered!
Til' the end of time.

The author's comments:
I was watching 9/11 clips on Youtube and it inspired me. To tears mostly! So this is what I wrote.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 5 2011 at 4:46 pm
ossiecastro5 PLATINUM, A Single Light In, New Jersey
39 articles 9 photos 68 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying.

A tear just ran down from my eyes.