Don't Stop The Music ( Prom) | Teen Ink

Don't Stop The Music ( Prom)

November 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Don't let the music stop,
Because I've been waiting for this day ever since the news dropped.
So play some hip hop
And some pop.
Then some slow jams,
So I can hold hands,
With my girlfriend,
Let her understand,
That I'm glad to be her man,
And I'm her number one fan,
And I don't ever want this day to be over.
With her arms on my shoulder,
Let her know we can't get colder,
If she comes over and get closer,
Hope the way that I approach you,
Don't make you feel like I'm trying to bulldoze you.
Because that is exactly what i'm not trying to do.
Because it's true,
That I love you.
And I you are something that I do not want to lose,
And need to hold on to.
And I'm scared that I'm going to lose my grasp,
And I'm glad that I got a chance to grab you.
Because I heard that a lot of guys was going to ask you.
And I'm glad that you picked me instead of that dude.
That said you was trash,
And he was just trying to smash you.
And honestly I'm just lucky to have you.
Even if I was your first choice
Or you just picked me because I was the last dude.
The dance floor is still smooth,
So lets dance until we're the last two.
Oh that's a smile on your face,
I'm glad I can make you laugh too.
And I promise this last kiss will be my last move.
And everybody is watching us as they ah and ooooh.
And the song still plays as we're in the mood.

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on Dec. 10 2010 at 7:52 pm
Masterpiece21 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
67 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom

This is so cute! Lucky girl!