Thunder Hill | Teen Ink

Thunder Hill

September 24, 2010
By italianclover5 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
italianclover5 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m one step closer
To what I’m supposed to be
With all you’ve helped and
All you’ve harmed.
You told me there was
Nothing left to say
And suddenly,
You walked away.

Wiping our eyes on Thunder Hill
With tear-blurred visions staring
At the one-way sign.
You told me not to cry,
But you knew
There was nothing I could do.

Keys and strings make up
The simple things that
Keep us going around.
They take away the pain,
Play the thoughts
That still remain,
And let you know
That it will all be alright.

No matter how
Confused or bruised,
The notes will
Carry you through.

The author's comments:
The verses describe the scene of a breakup,Thunder Hill being the name of the street we were sitting on. The chorus is what I learned from the breakup, and says that music can always make a situation better.

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