Leave me on the Ground | Teen Ink

Leave me on the Ground

September 21, 2010
By XXthebattleXX BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
XXthebattleXX BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Churches and dictators, politics and papers
Everything crumbles sooner or later
But love, I believe in love"

It's one of those times
when everything is goin' wrong
my bestfriend's gone for good
and my boyfriends still a wreck
I need time to pause, need some time to collect all my thoughts
the memories of the past and the worries of the future all lye sleepless tonight
CHORUS: When im wrong, will you still love me? When im down will you help me up the same? Or will you just leave me on the ground? Would you leave me on the ground while i try to build you up everyday of my life. Will God be the only one who ever even cared?
I'm still lying here, a brand new day
gotta get up, and hit the road
to do the same thing that keeps my heart cold
I'm tired of learning, and im tired of lying and im tired, im tired yet sometimes i wonder..
Will you love me? (please love me)
will you help me up? (help me, please)
Dont leave me here (not that you ever cared)
When you told me you loved me
i was fallin for you but now ive fallen again and i cant get back up.

The author's comments:
This song represents to me the battle to figure out if your truely in love or not.

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