Nature's Blessing | Teen Ink

Nature's Blessing

July 30, 2010
By Anonymous

May the sun and moon bow to you
May the waves crash at your feet
May the wind swirl about you
And the cosmos envelop you
Making ya whole again

May the earthen rocks
Always protect you
May the starlight bathe your soul
May the clear azure waters
Of the eastern seas love you

Let the sky watch over you always
And the trees be your guardians
And the thunder roar with honor
At your passing

May the sun and moon bow to you
May the waves crash at your feet
May the wind swirl about you
And the cosmos envelop you
Making ya whole again

May the ground always lift you
And the light stream down against you
May friendship grace you
And may love find you

May Joy always strike you
May disease hunger and weakness desert you
May fear run away
And may the demons of the northern sky
Flee at your passing

May the sun and moon bow to you
May the waves crash at your feet
May the wind swirl about you
And the cosmos envelop you
Making ya whole again

The author's comments:
I was riding on my bike and I felt the wind going through my hair...this song came to me=)

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