Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

July 27, 2010
By maishaw BRONZE, Plano, Texas
maishaw BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all going through hell. It's just that you don't see all of us whining about it at the same time. We leave that to the punks."

I’m from the endless lists of who I am to be.

I’m from the imageless wonders of what I could see.

Nothing that stopped me from flying away.

Fly into the night. Nothing on the ground

making me stay.


I’m from a fortress in the middle of the ocean.

I’ll ignore the old faded couch in the middle.

No I won’t, it’s the PIRATE ship

that is going to be the solution to the pirate riddle.

It’s a great place, the place I come from.

Where rain isn’t the reason we run inside.

It’s where we open our mouths wide.

Let the rain drops fall in

Nothing is going wrong in

My dreams. And where I’m from—-


Where I’m from is a faraway place

where there are no such things as limits.

Where I’m from is the ultimate race

Can you find yourself, before everybody else?

Where I’m from: losing only means

you’ve stopped believing. But

if you’ve stopped believing you can’t have lived

in the world where I’m from.


There’s no such thing as losing hope.

And there’s no such place where the bad things grow.

Because where I’m from we’d lock the sadness in a box

And throw it in the closet.

Where I’m from, I’d throw my wipe my tears away,

take the anger and toss it.


I’m from under the bed where dark creatures linger.

I’m from where you can zap them away with a magic finger.

I was never even afraid of the dark there.

Because I knew there would be light hiding somewhere.

It’s in this world that I’ve come to be fear.

It’s in this world, I’m scared of the dark here.


Where I’m from you could never understand the word “sick”

Because it only mean you’d be in bed for awhile.

Where I’m from you could close your eyes for a second

and when you wake up, you would smile.

Where I’m from. It’s a great place. Wish I could go back.

It was so simple, so wonderful, but now I know too much.

Because if I went back.

If I went back there.

I’m too scared that where I’m from won’t be

the place I know to be from.


The author's comments:
It started out as an English assignment. It was sort of simple when I turned it in. Recently I found it and liked the idea so I added some style to it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Rimpi` said...
on Aug. 30 2010 at 1:35 am
It's a beautiful song.. so proud of you ..