Broken Hearted | Teen Ink

Broken Hearted

June 14, 2010
By Ashton_Blaire BRONZE, HAyden, Alabama
Ashton_Blaire BRONZE, HAyden, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It aint over till its over!!- Donnie Glass

Broken hearted</3

Verse 1:
Today was the first time that I saw you in awhile.
Walking down the street with all your friends.
I almost went up to you, but then she walked up.
And I saw a big smile come on your face
Just like I used to make you do.

I want you, I need you, but I cant have you
Cause your hers, and shes yours, and I hate to see yall together.
Laughing and kissing and loving the way we used to.
Seeing you two beholding hands, hugging, being cute.
I know what we had and I want it back,
I love you, But you don't even know I agsist anymore.

Verse 2:
I miss those long nights of holding hands, loving the way we used to.
I miss you and me, I miss you being mine, you being here for me all the time.
I want it back, but she has you now, I've lost you, I want you and me again.

The pain of you and her is almost to hard to bear.
She has the jacket you used to let me wear.
She has you, and my everything.
I love you, and what we used to be.
Why did you leave me so broken hearted?

The author's comments:
Me and my cousin just wrote this together

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