Breath Away | Teen Ink

Breath Away

June 9, 2010
By Vladi BRONZE, Hubbard, Oregon
Vladi BRONZE, Hubbard, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There are days
There are moments
When I don't think
About my troubles
But I keep
Let's take a ride
Back to the good day's
Let's raise a toast and drink up
And we will live not by breath
But those that take
Your breath away

Now my heart is pounding
The smell of cold in the air
I'm now so excited
We are just humans
Let's just live in the moment
Let's take a ride
Back to the good day's
Let's raise a toast and drink up
And we will live not by breath
But those that take
Your breath away

Take your breath away
Take your breath away
Take your breath

I'm up all night
And it's 6am
We'll go away
Just because we just don't care
And we all just want to say

Let's take a ride
Back to the good day's
Let's raise a toast and drink up
And we will live not by breath
But those that take
Your breath away

Let’s just go away
Let’s just go away

The author's comments:
This to those that want to good days to come back

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