My Saving Grace | Teen Ink

My Saving Grace

June 4, 2010
By seeingstars115 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
seeingstars115 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking back
To before the days began.
Before I felt the pain and sorrow
Before the darkness came.
I could see a light back then,
A bright and leading light.
I was joyful and I had hope.
But one wrong step, a wrong turn
The light was gone And I could never find it.
"Why?" I asked into the wind,
Into the silence where no one listens.
I sat in the darkness that the light had left
And wondered.
I soon grew blind,
Not in sight,
But to the joy and happiness
I had once felt.
The darkness
No friend but my only companion,
Along with pain and depression.
Never again did I feel the same as before. As the days, the months, the years past
I walked as a ghost in a solid body.
With my head down I walked and I cried, Until I ran into something,
An embrace, and I cried into its shoulder. I was no longer alone with darkness,
I had a warm companion, a real friend.
I never had felt the embrace I felt at that moment.
I had never felt that warmth,
But it felt comforting.
Soon the warmth became a new light,
The darkness that once haunted me,
Fled at the sight.
My new light was leading me,
And I was no longer lost or in pain.
The joy had returned,
But it was a new joy.
A new hope.
The darkness and the pain was my step towards my new life, And my Saving grace

The author's comments:
There is always a light that can lead you even after a time of pain and sorrow. I learned this the hard way and I believe that anyone can find that light.

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