Unspeakables | Teen Ink


April 22, 2010
By kazemizuki SILVER, Seattle, Washington
kazemizuki SILVER, Seattle, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can't you see just how you're affecting me
I'm watching your every step
Flustered as our eyes seemingly
Fleetingly meet
My heart skips a beat
As blue green class with brown.
Freckles and a pink tinge on your cheeks.
Are you blushing?

Strawberry blonde hair sprayed on your head, messily cute.

A smile on your face
Surrounded by your friends.

You turn your head, a soft smile you direct in my direction.
Are you smiling at me?

Thinking of how you might be smiling at someone else
I see darkness.

Dull stabs of pain seep into my heart.
Gee, I wonder
What these unspeakables are doing to me.

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