Her Secrets | Teen Ink

Her Secrets

May 24, 2010
By Anonymous

Pain and hurt, hidden tears;
No one knowing her quite fears.
People see her day to day;
Unaware she does not want to
live this way.
Happiness impossible to find;
Acting like this is all in her mind.
She cries for help in her room;
Hoping her lifestyle will not
lead her to ruin.

What does she do? What does she say?
She wishes someone could take her away.
She yells out for someone to hear;
But no one is to be found as her eyes begin to tear.
She is alone and extremely scared;
As she readies herself to be prepared.
Prepared for another day;
Prepared to pretend everything is okay.

The author's comments:
This Poem is about a girl who is going through some tough times. She is somewhat suicidal and needs help. However, she feels like anyone she talks to will not understand what she is going through. She doesn’t know what to do about her situation and so she puts on a show. She wants people to think she is happy in order to avoid the awkwardness of being misunderstood. I wrote this because I wanted to portray the sadness of this girl to the audience. I was upset at the time of writing this so writing something depressing came easily.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 22 2010 at 10:35 pm
CJbutterfly SILVER, Chattahoochee, Florida
7 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game\"

This is like what Im going through. It almost made me cry :( but this is sooooo good.