The Come Up | Teen Ink

The Come Up

May 6, 2010
By Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being me is a gift and a curse because even though I'm the best they wish me the worst.

The story starts off way back in the day, a young black man with ambitions to get paid, always on the sunny side never in the shade, me and my patnas comin up stayed knotted like a braid, but anyway, i learned to come up on cash anyway, candy, lemonade, i once asked a dopefiend whose line is it anyway, they get that, hit that, wait till they get back, you want it I got it I'll break you of like a kit kat. Then I asked myself is that the life for me, is the inside of a prison really site to see, I don't believe so, I all about the c-notes, but I don't think that type of life was really meant for me though.

The author's comments:
To portray how I came up not physically but mentally.

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