Her Daily Struggle | Teen Ink

Her Daily Struggle

March 29, 2010
By ugly_duckling BRONZE, Grafton, Wisconsin
ugly_duckling BRONZE, Grafton, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing is a skirt. It must be long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep it interesting."

She fights for her life as she staggers through the door.
She fights for her life just walking home.
She cries in the rain as it falls.
So nobody knows.
She walks in the streets of the lazy town.
Finds the people are pleasantly strange.
She can’t take a change as she goes.
She blanks in her mind.
They say she strides on the clouds when nobody’s home.
Then they say that she stumbles and falls.
A gust tends to take her along.
A leaf with a breeze.
She inhales the lightness of air all alone.
She exhales unhappiness now.
She cries on her bed all alone.
The saddest of sights.
So she puts on a fake face to get through the day.
She prays that it doesn’t wear off.
She just wants to shed tears alone.
She won’t share one peep.
Deep thoughts of grief take over her mind.
Of course I’ll always know.
The pain she’s in shows when she speaks.
She thinks we don’t know.
As we ask what is wrong, we hear no reply.
Her heart takes over her voice.
She stirs at her food instead.
Unwilling to speak.
Never a person who won’t ask her mood.
When she sighs, no one can resist.
I feel a sigh escape her mouth.
Joy leaves herself.
I’ve said a lot of this young girl’s pain.
It’s hard not to talk of it now.
Her mood triggers rumors and thoughts.
Never only true.
There isn’t a person who doesn’t enjoy
When she spreads her smiles around.
Not like her to grin when she speaks.
It can’t go away.
She doesn’t like to speak of the world.
So it’s better for her not to speak.
Prefers to stay quiet, so she says.
So nobody knows.
She fights off the rumors that they spread so unkind.
The people believe-not that strange.
Her beliefs tell the world that it’s wrong.
No one can ask.
She sits against the wall with eyes heavily drooped.
Knees up, hands together on her waist.
Nothing is wrong, so she says.
Truth runs through her head.
We know she’s not happy, but not mean or cruel.
You’d see her kind face without suspect.
Not frowning outside of her mind.
Fails to share to a stranger.
Broken soul and a dying spirit.
Has anyone else seen this too?
They claim it’s a phase, not to fret.
Ignoring a truth.
Please help her and save her, she needs a good deed.
Some guidance, some sweetness, some faith.
Believe in the silver lining.
At least just try.
Losers make fun of her, jerks just stare.
A fake calm replacing her thoughts.
She’s kicked the soul once again.
Twice is enough just to break.
Faking a high voice will sooth other souls.
To us, it’s cheerful now.
Playing a role tricks her peers,
But brings her to tears.
When people talk of this sorrowful girl,
The word choice is exactly the same.
We’d try simply to block out the words.
So nobody knows.

The author's comments:
This is about my best friend who is going to remain anonymous forever.

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