It's better to give than to receive | Teen Ink

It's better to give than to receive

February 18, 2010
By Anonymous

It's better to give than to receive, family is what brings us together they tell us every Christmas Eve, when you wake up and go outside to see that sensational snowy mist, all I have to say is have a wonderful Christmas

Now here is something I learned in my past Christmas, listen Christmas presents brings blindness, love for the family can shine through and conquer that darkness, so love your family even if they don't get to complete your wish list, try to be heartwarming instead of being ice cold, give something away you will feel better tenfold, it will have you feeling like your indestructible stronghold, then you will have a story that needs to be told, don't be cold and heartless like the solstice of winter, to me everyone in this world who tries is a winner, no need to be the main one in the center, I will tell you that is a very long adventure, to become the best you can be is a slippery and tough climb, but do not worry someone will be there to help you from behind, to help pick you up back on your feet, and then when you achieve success I'm telling you you will love the beat

It's better to give than to receive, family is what brings us together they tell you every Christmas Eve, when you wake up and you go outside to see the sensational snowy mist, all I have to say is have a wonderful Christmas

There's so many bad times not enough good times, with a Christmas cheer to show love has no crimes, it's like love you can't read it all in a little pamphlet, around this times for those who don't show words is a bad habit, it will bring you and your family together like a magnet, and try to keep track of it like Charlie and his golden ticket, try to think of it as a show and tell, this something that you cannot out yell, it should make you happy like an adult who reminisce a bout there childhood, keep yourself calm don't get all bunred up like firewood, for those who only want to show hate show them love if you would, That's all I want to be understood, I know for the life of me, that I do sometimes deceive, but it's by accident that you have to believe, remember to love your family and not the present you receive

It's better to give than receive, family is what brings us together they tell you every Christmas Eve, when you wake up and you go outside to see that sensational snowy mist, all I can say is have a wonderful Christmas

The author's comments:
for the past few years i have never understood the true meaning of Christmas until i written this rap/poem

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on Feb. 24 2010 at 2:54 pm
AbbotRabbit GOLD, Abolana, District Of Columbia
11 articles 0 photos 1028 comments

Favorite Quote:
This poem has great flow and insight.
I really enjoyed it.
Lovely poem darling =]
-Please check out the works that I have posted on here it would be highly appreciated and I think you would greatly enjoy them, Thankk youz-
XxIll tell you Im an orphan after you meet myy familyXx

This poem has great flow and insight.

I really enjoyed it.

Lovely poem darling =]

-Please check out the works that I have posted on here it would be highly appreciated and I think you would greatly enjoy them, Thankk youz-

XxIll tell you Im an orphan after you meet myy familyXx