16 Years | Teen Ink

16 Years

February 27, 2013
By Anonymous

There once was a girl with a grin so wide,
Holding onto one secret she was hell-bent to hide.
As a small child she was troubled and scared,
Thrown to straight to the wolves where they watched how she fared.
Her family was gone and she was all alone,
Her path was not paved and no direction was shown.
Her life consisted of physical abuse,
The people who saw her thought she had a screw loose.
For she walked with a limp and sported several black eyes,
With no close connections or family ties.
Nobody helped her, nobody cared,
It was her's and her's alone not to be shared.
As she got older and grew smarter as well,
She began to adjust to her own personal hell.
Wearing gloves and sweaters in the sweltering heat,
Making up excuses to avoid the swim meet.
As the years went on though she began to grow ill,
And it was then she decided it was herself she wanted to kill.
For 16 years she had hid behind a smile,
Building up enough pain it could go on for a mile.
So the day finally came with er hands clenched in fists,
She took out a kitchen knife and slit both her wrists.

The author's comments:
We read an article in English about a girl who had suffered through child abuse and it was the inspiration that let me write this piece.

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