The Toast Ghost | Teen Ink

The Toast Ghost

October 31, 2011
By RichardDumbwood SILVER, Alamosa, Colorado
RichardDumbwood SILVER, Alamosa, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a very dark night,
Their was a lonely ghost.
He was obsessed with toast and would roam the streets,
Just to try and find some toast.
But on this dark night he only found a roast.
He was a very sad ghost.

The ghost went back to his house.
He walked to his bed and stopped like he was dead.
He lifted his covers,
Jumped in bed,
And scratched his head.
He scratched and scratched until it bled.

Then he had an idea
He would find a rat
The rat would help him find some toast
He looked under a mat,
He looked under a hat,
He even looked in a cat.

But the rat didn’t find any toast.
He decided to find a raven.
Maybe it could help him find some toast.
Man this ghost is cravin.
This ghost had a worthless raven.
This raven was definitely not a maven.

Maybe the ghost’s mom would have some toast.
So the ghost jumped in his car,
And drove as fast as he could
On that black tar.
He went as fast as a falling star
Going to the bar.

Once he arrived at his moms house,
He ran inside the door.
Then se saw a horrible sight.
His mom was dead on the floor.
It looked like she was in a war
With that broken drawer.

“I wonder if she wanted toast also”.
Their might have been a snack
In that jacked drawer.
That drawer had been smacked,
And even jacked.

That sad ghost didn’t find any toast.
So that poor ghost decided to get a tracker
To bring him to a
That is blacker
To bake him a simple cracker.

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