Ball at my feet | Teen Ink

Ball at my feet

May 18, 2017
By ScaliandSweeney BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
ScaliandSweeney BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A ball at my feet is all I need
My backyard where I can be for hours
Not even noticing the time going by

A simple touch I take around my yard brings happiness to my life
As I run around getting frustrated when I mess up
As I kick the ball my studs cut the blades of grass

As I feel my heart beating from numerous sprints
My legs slowly but surely getting heavier
Mud and dirt all over my legs and socks

Music blasting from my speaker to keep me going
Sweat dripping from my face
Clouds going over the sun to keep me cool

The wind blows through the cool trees
It cools my skin
Darkness falls and the day is done
Life with soccer is fun

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