under the stars | Teen Ink

under the stars

June 11, 2018
By this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
46 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
i will never understand
why you held me
if you were afraid of warmth

you should have known
i was fire

- Rupi Kaur , the sun and her flowers

Journey in the dark, where others fade

Outside where the moon leaves your soul to gape

Reign in your heart, come dawns seeking ropes

Drown in your words, fill your lungs with their smoke

Youth spent writing days, alone

No light to breach her in this home

Deny the art in the depths of those eyes

A blooming flower, blooms in disguise

Choked by the grip of passing time

Rely on the words to tell what's inside

Remnants of dusk sewn in you have shown

Under the stars is where you grow.

The author's comments:

Cherry Blossom 17

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