Hatred | Teen Ink


May 29, 2018
By Nhiakou.Xiong BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Nhiakou.Xiong BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A place filled with humans
Ruling the land and water.
Destroying everything they meet.
Taking everything and using it to expand themselves.
Throwing garbage and trash into forest and lakes.
The only thing that they are good at is killing and destroying.
I want to kill them
Take back everything that they stole from me.
For I am nature.
I shall send
Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and lightings
To kill the humans
And reduce their size in population.
Humans need to die
Like how they did to us.
Cutting down lots of trees, destroying animals homes, and killing animals
To make themselves look cool, good, and powerful.
For many years
They corrupted the environment
Committing a heavier crime than murder.
They murdered us for many years
Over the same things.
For them, power is everything
For them, killing means surviving
For them, expanding is control
But nature is nothing to them.
Humans need to see their sins
Live to like each other
Than waging war with each other
Life is worth more than a diamond
Animals have lives like a human
Nature can feel pain and die.
Life matters more.
So I shall not kill many of them.
Allowing them to see where they are wrong.
Before every living thing dies.

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