Where I Am Now | Teen Ink

Where I Am Now

May 23, 2018
By Ashery BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Ashery BRONZE, Plano, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am
in that phase of life that adults recall nostalgically
the growing pains of their
the crushes and dating,
the friendships and fighting,
and the self-discovery and angst that are
all foreign to me
emotions and experiences I can only understand through
how other people describe them


I am
still lingering in middle school memories but also
jokingly called a grandmother
trapped in a fifteen-year-old’s body,
an old soul who wishes she could
convincingly play the role of a teenager,
who observes high school drama with envy,
who craves that “youth” responsible for their nostalgia


I am
trying to be more present
and to enjoy this phase they speak of so fondly
but am not fully convinced of its pleasure
and cautious of vulnerability

The author's comments:

This is a short poem I wrote for creative writing class, and it sums up my experience with high school and my teenage years in general. I'm confident that there are many who feel the same way.

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