My Instructor | Teen Ink

My Instructor

May 23, 2018
By Luca1122 BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Luca1122 BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I put my heart and my soul into my work and I have lost my mind in the process. -Vincent Van Gogh

The instructor said,
Go home and write
a page tonight.
And let that page come out of you---
Then, it will be true.
Hmm I wonder if I can do it
I started on a sheet of paper
Blank and white I stare
Wondering how I can somehow come up with a piece
Of writing that will surprise everyone
The piece of paper is white- so white it blinds everyone
Somehow someway I will get a piece of writing done
Society is a social hierarchy that people made to conform to norms
But me- I feel that we should break the norms
The ideals of society are meant to be broken
Why can’t we be ourselves and not be followers
Try to be leaders
Don’t be the followers of this world
Be leaders
How can we all be leaders if we follow each other
All of these ideals are all made so people will accept others into their social groups
But what if they were never made in the first place?
How would the world function without those ideals?
Would we be accepting of each other or will we still try to make up groups of people’s ideas
How can we see everyone’s view points with the social barrier of them being in a different social group than us?
Hopefully you can learn from this that everyone’s perspectives matter
Someday everyone will be free
This is my take on Langston Hughes English B poem

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