Impossible | Teen Ink


May 23, 2018
By 8dahl GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8dahl GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the park where I used to play,
I sat reminicing on the simpler times.
I see three little girls, sisters, all taking turns on the swings—just like we used to.

The little girl, odlest of the three, had blonde bangs and pigtails
She smiles and runs over to sit next to me.
I could tell she was shy, but very observant—just like I used to be.

The more I sat and listened, the more I realized who this little girl was.
She began telling me about how she likes to dress up in her princess costume
to sell lemonade to the neighborhood—just like I used to do.

‘There’s no way’.
‘It can’t be’.
These thoughts were flooding through my mind.
I close my eyes and try to erase this absurdidy.

But as soon as I open them, I immediately regret the decision.
I am nowhere to be found.
Reliving that moment of my childhood seemed to be over as quick as it began.

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