The Table | Teen Ink

The Table

May 9, 2018
By Leah_Schwagerl BRONZE, Wilmington , North Carolina
Leah_Schwagerl BRONZE, Wilmington , North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Meals are made for sharing
And traditions are passed down
The grand speech of the table story
Makes each year go ‘round


At christmas time we read
Of all that the table came to be
A 100 year old crafted tree
That holds memories of each time we eat

The table is the speaker
Though grandpa wrote it
His daughter is just the voice
The main character who shows it


“More important than my age is how I became a member of family,
Passed from a french doctor to family member in New York City.”


According to the table
Life happens in celebrations
Courtship, to engagement,
to marriage to baptisms


One hundred years later
The table now rests in my aunt’s home
It’s the heartbeat for the house
Each year the number of family members has grown


“My surface may be veneer,”
But the table still welcomes every guest
“Can the amount of love given or celebrated ever be adequately described?” it asks
The answer is never yes


Meals are made for sharing
Family will celebrate for generations to come
As a long time friend of the family has said, “and the beat
Goes on”

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