Her Space | Teen Ink

Her Space

May 4, 2018
By Megan Cresitello BRONZE, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
Megan Cresitello BRONZE, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before he’d met her, there was nothing.
There was darkness.
There was a vacuum with no escape
Until she showed up.
With one look, with one small glance his way,
She filled his space with the Milky Way Galaxy.
Looking into her eyes, he saw Neptune;
He saw a great blue world waiting to be explored.
Saturn would be jealous of her dirty blonde locks,
Yearning for such gentle shades in his rings.
The freckles across her nose were nothing less than stars,
Creating the constellations of her story.
The Pleiades - constantly chased for their beauty.
Lyra - entrancing all with a kind, melodic sound.
Andromeda - waiting for something more.
She had passion; she had more fire in her than Venus,
And more life than Mother Earth.
In one moment, he was wrapped up in her space,
And he’d sooner die than ever leave.

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