The Day the World Came to an End | Teen Ink

The Day the World Came to an End

May 2, 2018
By Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
Carzland GOLD, Watchung, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day the world came to an end
I was gazing at outside my window
At the children laughing in the street
But now no children there are to greet


The day the world came to an end
I was gazing at outside my window
At the birds singing a happy song
But now I see, there wasn’t a tune all along


The day the world came to an end
I was gazing at outside my window
At the sky, in all its bright blue glory
But now a new chapter in Earth’s story


The day the world came to an end
I was gazing at outside my window
At the heavens with its twinkling stars
But now no lights forever so far


The day the world came to an end
Nothing could be seen across time and space
And while we await for another universe to begin
Nothing exists beyond

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